Svenska, tack
General Information

The aim of this course is to refresh your basic knowledge of English. You probably studied English many years ago and now, like the kite string in the tree, your knowledge has got stuck! In order to free it you must follow the red kite string through the different treehouses. In each house you have a problem to solve which will free the string. You will visit a pub, a workshop, do some cooking and visit exotic places! There are exercises on different topics and also a test to help you assess your progress. If you find the exercises too easy, then go on to the test right away. When you have passed the test you will see an animation showing the solution to the problem! Work your way through the treehouses until you feel ready to take the final test. When you have succeeded with the final exam, then you are ready to tackle English A!


Basic English Grammar


The very first thing you should do is to click on the magpie to review the basic rules of English grammar. Read through these rules before starting the course to refresh your memory. Grammar rules are the building blocks on which the language is based and learning some basic English grammar will improve all of your English language skills.


To Tree


From any page but the tree itself, you can click on the small image of the tree to return to the first page of the course.




Wherever you are, you can click on the owl to get help. The owl will give you grammatical help with the exercise you are working on, or a vocabulary list of the objects in a picture. If you click on the owl from the tree you can see an index of all the help available.




From the tree, you can click on the coffee cup to come to the discussion forum. Here you can ask questions, communicate with teachers or take part in a discussion with other students.




From the tree, you can click on the logbook to see a record of the tests you have completed.




From the tree, click on the kite to send e-mail to the English teachers at Statens Skola för Vuxna. Perhaps you need help or advice - we're always ready to help you!

A British Pub

The First Treehouse -- A British Pub


From the tree, you can click on the individual treehouses to begin that house's lessons. The link on left will take you to the first house, the pub.